Boating FAQs
Watercraft’s must display all current year decals whenever on the water or docks on GLA waterways. Failure to display a current year decal will be subject to incur a fine.
A copy of the member’s current boat registration must be provided to receive GLA watercraft decals. All watercraft must have the proper Goose Lake Association identification (lake/lot) numbers and current year decals affixed to both the port (left side of watercraft) and starboard side (right side of watercraft) nearest to the rear. GLA decals and lot numbers should not be placed any farther forward than mid-point of the watercraft and well above the waterline so that they are in plain view. Watercraft having side facing windshields on both (port & starboard) sides of the watercraft can display current GLA decal and lot number on side windshields only if this can be done without obstructing the driver’s vision.
In addition, the Illinois state registration numbers and current year decals are required on both the port and starboard sides on the front of the watercraft. Goose Lake Association identification numbers and Illinois State registration numbers should be of block characters at least 3 inches in height and in contrasting color to their background. Failure to display two (2) identically numbered decals and proper lot numbers on each and all watercraft will result in a fine as stated in Section 6.8: Boat Fines, Penalties, and Violations. Expired Goose Lake Association and Illinois State decals should be removed.
New boats/watercraft procedure to include lot numbers being installed in the proper location on the boat/watercraft before the boat/watercraft is measured.
Certificate of liability insurance with current effective dates shall be required before boat/watercraft decals will be issued.
All boats must carry a minimum of $500,000.00 insurance liability for personal injury and property damage. Effective 2023.
Watercraft equipped with inboard rear V-drive engines or equipped with any wake or wake enhancing devices such as, but not limited to ballast tanks, hydro gates, etc. This type of boat is usually called a wake board boat.
Cabin cruisers or other boats with enclosed living quarters.
Deck Boats
Tritoon Pontoon Boats [having three or more pontoons (tubes)]
All Watercraft shall be equipped and maintained with an effective below waterline exhaust system.
Boats used on Goose and Beaver Lakes shall not be equipped with more than a 10 HP motor. Boats on these lakes are limited to NO WAKE speeds. Pontoon boats are limited to no more than 100 HP on Lincoln Lake.
Jet Skis are limited to no more than 130 HP. Operators and owners of jet skis and other like personal water craft shall obey all rules concerning "flow" of watercraft direction and shall not operate in such fashion as to endanger themselves, passengers, or other users of the lake. PULLING OR TOWING OF WATER SKIERS OR PULL CRAFT WITH JET SKIS IS NOT PERMITTED.
Pontoon boat manufacturers have designed pontoon boats that can expand in width and length. According to the GLA rules, these boats are not accepted on our lakes.
Pontoon Boats are limited to an overall length that does not exceed 24 feet 6 inches with not more than two pontoons (tubes).
All other watercrafts are limited to an overall length that does not exceed 20 feet as per original boat manufacturer specification and must measure 20 feet or less as measured by the GLA.
Measurement shall include molded platforms; excludes bolt-on platforms.
The maximum overall width of any boat is to be no wider than 9 feet.
No more than seven (7) watercraft units are allowed per property, of which no more than a total of four (4) watercraft units can be motorized (motorized includes both electric and gas).
We would like to remind everyone whether you navigate rivers or lakes; if you are an avid fisherman, take a leisurely ride on your pontoon, or if you jet ski, water ski, tube or just plain enjoy the many recreational activities that our waterways have to offer, it is highly recommended (and required by law if you plan to operate a motorboat and are at least 12 years of age and less than 18 years of age) that you complete the Illinois Boating Safety Course.
Too often, people are seriously injured or killed while trying to enjoy a day out on the water. In many cases, we know someone or have heard in the news about tragic events that may have been preventable if we all knew the proper boating rules and regulations. Like driving a car, not every boater follows all the rules and regulations for safe boating. But as a responsible boater, there are boat safety and education courses available for you to take.
Some classes are offered as one-day or one-weekend courses or in some cases a more detailed course may be offered that spans over several weeks. The Illinois Department of Natural Resources has taken the boating safety one step further and has made it even easier and more convenient for someone to learn the “Rules of the Waterway. (refer to the Illinois Department of Natural Resources web site for more information)
The Illinois Department of Natural Resources offers an Online Illinois Boating Safety Course and Exam (refer to the Illinois Department of Natural Resources web site for accessing the online course and exam). This free, self paced course allows you to navigate many different topics of boating at your own leisure. There are no time constraints or set schedules when taking the course. When you have finished studying the boating safety material and you feel you are ready to take the exam, this can be done in the convenience of your own home. Not only will you be a safer, more knowledgeable boater, you may also qualify for lower insurance rates with this certificate (check with your insurer for details).
We urge all Goose Lake Association residents and especially those who are boaters to visit the IDNR website and review the safe boating material that has been made available and to take the time to take the Illinois Boating Safety Course and Exam so that everyone can have a safe and enjoyable season on our waterways.
No person under 10 years of age may operate a motorboat.
Person at least 10 years of age and less than 12 years of age may operate a motorboat only if:
They are accompanied on the motorboat and under the direct control of a parent or guardian, or a person at least 18 years of age who has been designated by the parent or guardian.
A driver who is at least 12 years of age and less than 18 years of age may only operate a motorboat if:
The driver has in their possession a valid Boating Safety Certificate issued by the Department of Natural Resources, Division of Education or valid certificate issued by another state, province of the Dominion of Canada, the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary or the United States Power Squadron or the driver is accompanied on the motorboat and is under the direct control of a parent or guardian or a person at least 18 years of age who has been designated by the parent or guardian.
Pulling of water skiers or pull craft with jet skis is not permitted.
Section 6.5(b): Watercraft Operation Rules - No water skiing shall be permitted from the period of 1/2 hour after sunset to 1/2 hour before sunrise, or as stated in Department of Conservation Rules and Regulations (625 ILCS 45/5- 14 Boat Registration & Safety Act).
Section 6.5(c): Watercraft Operation Rules - No boat shall pull more than two (2) skiers or tubes at one time except for pontoons, see Section 6.2(f). No boat shall pull anyone with a shorter tow rope than 25’ from the rear of the boat. The operator of any watercraft that is towing a person or persons shall display on the watercraft a bright or brilliant orange flag measuring not less than 12 inches per side. The flag shall be displayed at the highest point of the area surrounding the boat’s helm as to be visible from all directions, continuously while the person or persons being towed depart the boat in preparation for towing and until reentry into the boat when the activity has ceased. Display of the flag for purposes other than the activity described in this Section is prohibited.
Please help us in minimizing erosion! If your skier falls and is not in any immediate danger, PLEASE throttle back to idle speed and pick up your skier at idle speed. This will greatly help prevent lake erosion, and your skier will not have three-foot rollers to contend with.
During boating season, when you sell a boat that currently has a Goose Lake sticker, you will need to remove it and bring it in to the GLA Office. This must be done before your new boat is measured and issued a replacement GLA sticker, as approved by the Water craft Review Committee.
Looking for something you don’t see? Check out our Rules.